5 Pages Every Website Needs & How To Write Them

In this post, we cover...

Your website content is the second most important thing on your website after your website design so you need to give it some attention. I’m sharing with you the 5 pages every website needs (and how to write them!) to get you started.

5 Pages That Every Business Website Needs + How To Write Them

5 Pages Every Website Needs + How To Write Them

Before we dive into the 5 pages every website needs, I’m going to quickly talk you through the process I use for writing website pages and blog posts because it helps me to write faster and stay on topic.

How to Write Your Website Content

First of all, I open up a new document on Google Docs or Microsoft Word and write down the title of the page I’m going to write. Next I’ll make a bullet point list (1-2 words each) with what I want to include on that page.

Then sometimes I’ll go and make a coffee 😉 and come back it to to flesh out those bullet points a bit. I might extend them to be one sentence each.

Finally, I go back over my list, remove the bullet points and build around what I’ve written. Some bullet points become paragraphs, sometimes a couple of points come together to make a paragraph, but this way I’m working with content when I’m writing my final draft.

Ok, now it’s time to get into the reason why you’re here!

The 5 Pages That Every Website Needs

You shouldn’t feel like you need to get your website content perfect first time round because it should be something that adapts as your website grows. That being said, these 5 pages every website needs are crucial for success even when you first launch your website.

So should treat your website content like a work in progress that you can make changes to as and when it suits you and your business.

Your Homepage

I can hear your “DUH!” from here because it’s a super obvious choice, so I won’t spend too much time explaining the why because of the 5 pages your website needs, the homepage is a must have, so I will just move on to the what and how.

On your website homepage you should include:

  • Who you are and what you do
    This should feature ‘above the fold’ on your homepage so make it the first thing you write.
  • A punchy headline
    “I help
” statements work really well here to draw people in and then you can get into the nitty gritty of what you do in a smaller paragraph below.
  • Links to your services
    Don’t think that just because you’re going to link your services in the menu that it’s enough. It isn’t! Especially for mobile users who may be 2-3 clicks away before they even see your full services menu. Write a little bit about each of your services for your homepage.
  • Details to contact you
    Whether it’s a link to the contact page (again, the menu isn’t enough) or your full contact details. You need some contact info on your homepage.

Aim to keep text light on your homepage, although don’t go below minimum word counts for SEO.

Your About page

This is the page all about you and/or your business so you should talk about your successes and don’t be afraid to “blow your own trumpet”.

Aim to keep your about page short and sweet because, in reality, it’ll be one of the least visited pages on your website.

That may sound a bit harsh but people are more likely on your business website to learn about your products or services. So whilst this is the least important, it’s still one of the 5 pages your website needs, so dedicate some time to it.

That being said – if you’re a really interesting person/business or you’re selling yourself as a brand – your about page should be more like a services/sales page in how you write it.

For a simple about page, 2-3 paragraphs is generally enough and you should steer clear of using too many technical terms which might alienate your visitor.

Things to include:

  • Where you’re based.
  • If the page is about you, include some interesting facts unrelated to your business.
  • Ways to contact you.
  • A very brief overview of your business.

Your Contact page

This page does what it says on the tin. Of the 5 pages every website needs, this one is likely to be the highest converter. When someone clicks on “Contact” in your main menu, they likely want to contact you, so make sure you’re making it as easy as possible to do so.

It’ll probably include a contact form, your e-mail address, phone number, address (if needed), and that sort of thing.

Make sure you write a nice but short paragraph for this page thanking your potential client for their interest, advising them of the best way to contact you and saying you’re looking forward to hearing from them/working with them/whatever works for your business.

Your Services/Products Page

At minimum you should have 1 page dedicated to the services or products you provide. Ideally you’ll have one page per service or product you offer and if you’re product based you should consider category pages as well as a main shop page.

I have 3 service pages as well as SEO landing pages hidden behind the scenes which target these services but for specific industries and locations.

You don’t necessarily need individual service pages although I do recommend it if you offer multiple services because otherwise what you do can become confusing or you can dilute your offers.

For example, I offer web design, SEO and branding. Although these can all come under the same project, my visitor may be exclusively looking for SEO. If I have one service page which talks about web design, branding and SEO then I’m diluting my SEO services with a load of information they aren’t interested in. Not ideal!

If you’re product based then you should aim for one page per product to maximise your SEO potential and, again, to avoid diluting your offer.

Things to include:

  • If you’re service based: A portfolio or relevant case studies
  • If you’re product based: Multiple photos of the product
  • Prices
    Some people don’t do this but if I’m on your website and looking at a service/product, I want to see a price. Starting from prices work really well if they vary depending on the customer’s needs.
  • Product/Service Details
    If I’m on your service/product page I want real detail about what you’re offering. For example, on my website design page I go into thorough detail over what each of my offerings include. I don’t just say “you get a website design starting at this price X”. Use this opportunity to sell your goods!

Your Privacy Policy

An absolute MUST for every website. Of the 5 pages every website needs, this one is the legal one that’ll cover you and your business!

Unfortunately I’m not going to advise you on what to write on your privacy policy because it’s very much on a per website basis and get’s a bit too legal for my liking. However I have a few resources I use for mine which I’m happy to share.

You can find some useful information on privacy policies here:

TLDR: A short but sweet list of the 5 pages every website needs

  • Homepage
  • About page
  • Contact page
  • Services/product page
  • Privacy policy (aka the legal page)

Hopefully this guide will help you put together a plan for your website content and ensure you have the 5 pages every website needs AND you’ve got a good idea on how to write your website copy with confidence.

Picture of Kate Smoothy
Kate Smoothy
Kate Smoothy is an SEO specialist and web designer based in Essex, England. As well as being the director of Webhive Digital, Kate shares SEO tips and guides on TikTok, Instagram and LinkedIn.
Picture of Kate Smoothy
Kate Smoothy
Kate Smoothy is an SEO specialist and web designer based in Essex, England. As well as being the director of Webhive Digital, Kate shares SEO tips and guides on TikTok, Instagram and LinkedIn.

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