
Why is schema markup important blog






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I’ve developed SEO strategies for companies of all shapes and sizes. Within that work, I’ve come up with a foolproof method to ensure every page of your website is optimised for SEO. Subscribe to my e-mails below to steal my checklist and get all my best tips straight to your inbox!

Meet Your Website Wingwoman

Kate Smoothy

Kate Smoothy

Bringing over a decade of experience, my job is to bottle up the secret sauce that makes your business one of a kind, and turn it into a purposeful website.

It’s my pride and joy to partner with business owners who know they’re on the cusp of something great, and want to skip past the awkward trial-and-error stage and get right to the glow up.

Whatever you choose to call yourself – a small business, entrepreneur or a startup – I’m here to help you build a brand that makes you feel as confident as you are capable.