I was compensated to create this post, though all opinions are my own.
If you’re anything like me then you’re always looking for ways to save time in your business because, well, as entrepreneurs we’re wearing a million hats… all of the time. When I decided to start using Pinterest to promote Webhive Digital last year, I knew I didn’t have the time to dedicate hours on end per day to Pinterest. So when I found Tailwind for Pinterest it was a total no brainer for me.
From the moment I uploaded and scheduled my first batch of pins to Tailwind, I was impressed. Tailwind made the process SO EASY and my Pinterest marketing was running on autopilot from the get go. I could spend under an hour per month scheduling my pins on Tailwind and that was it, job. done.
And this is how I became a Tailwind for Pinterest fan girl.
But I was naive, silly, careless, even.
There I was bragging about how Tailwind for Pinterest was the best scheduling tool ever for my Pinterest account, how it had helped me grow my Pinterest account with very little time on my part, all while doing free trial after free trial of schedulers for Instagram without really loving any of them.
I didn’t even realise Tailwind could be used for Instagram, let alone Facebook!
Because of the ease in which I could upload my pins, batch edit and schedule them, I simply didn’t stick around on the website long enough to explore all their features. So yes, I was naive.
Luckily for you (and me!) I have since learned the error of my ways and now I am not only a Tailwind for Pinterest fan girl, but a Tailwind for Instagram and a Tailwind for Facebook fan girl too. The time I’m saving is UNREAL. And I’m ready to convert you!
How to get started on Tailwind
Signing up for a Tailwind account is easy. For ease, you can use your Pinterest or Instagram accounts to speed up this process, and then your accounts will automatically be connected. If you opt to sign up by e-mail, within a few clicks you’ll have connected your social accounts anyway.
Once you’re signed up and connected, it’s time to dive in to the different platforms…
Before you start working on your posts, I want to share a few features in Tailwind that will help maximise your potential with the tool.
What are communities on Tailwind?
Communities on Tailwind are used to share your pins for other like-minded pinners to add to their post schedule. This feature works best when using Tailwind for Pinterest because you are encouraged to pin a mixture of your own and other people’s content, and by using communities on Tailwind, you’re able to find people who share content that aligns well with your Pinterest account. Before you start uploading pins, I recommend signing up to a few communities so you can share your pins there too!
How do I set up my Tailwind SmartSchedule?
This is located in your account settings and allows you to easily create a posting schedule for each platform that’ll be used over and over again. I highly recommend creating a SmartSchedule for each of your social accounts, this way you don’t need to select a time and date every time you schedule a post, and can more easily batch edit and upload to your schedule. Basically, Tailwind will do all the hard work for you, you just need to agree with them the posting times and days you’re happy with.
How to use Tailwind for Pinterest
If you’re looking to create your pins within Tailwind then you’ll want to head over to Create on the left hand side to upload your photos, add text and try out all of Tailwind’s pin templates. Once you’ve chosen a template, you can adjust it to suit your brand colours, fonts, etc. and include any additional text you want on your pin.
If you want to upload your own pin design then head straight to Drafts to upload them.
Next, you’ll be taken to a draft of your pin where you can enter the pin title, description, boards to post to and when to add your post to the schedule. If you’ve followed my advice above about Tailwind’s SmartSchedule feature, then from here you don’t even need to choose when you post. Just click “Schedule” and Tailwind will find the best slot for your post.
How to use Tailwind for Instagram
If you’re sick of using Canva to create your Instagram story and grid posts then Tailwind’s Create is just what you need to inject some new designs to your feed. As above, you simply upload your photos, text, etc. and then tweak the design to suit, exactly like you would with any other template.
Alternatively, if you’re a graphic design pro and already have your designs created, you can just go straight to Drafts and upload your posts there.
Once you’re on the drafts screen, you’ll be able to fill in your grid post captions and choose from a bank of suggested hashtags based on popularity. *MAJOR BONUS!*
Finally, hit schedule and let Tailwind do the heavy lifting for you.
How to use Tailwind for Facebook
If you’ve read the previous two sections on how to use Tailwind for Pinterest and Instagram then this will be old hat for you by now! If you haven’t, then I’ll break it down for you!
For those of us who like to create our Facebook posts independently from our scheduling software, we can head straight to Drafts and upload our designs, whereas if you’re looking to inject some new designs to your page and prefer using templates, head to Create.
Once you’ve finished working through (or uploading) your designs, you’ll be prompted to write your post caption and then choose what time and day you want your Facebook post to be posted to your page. Or, if you’re savvy and have already set up the SmartSchedule feature on Tailwind, then you can just click Schedule and let Tailwind work it’s magic!
And there you have it! Consider this your go to guide on how to grow your business with Tailwind for Pinterest, Instagram and Facebook! I feel like we’ve covered just about everything you need to know but if you’re unsure on anything, just know that Tailwind is full of tips to help you get started and prompt you along the way as a new user.
So, are you a convert now? If so, make sure you click here to sign up for Tailwind today!