How to Duplicate A Page in Wordpress with Elementor

How to Duplicate A Page in Wordpress with Elementor

In this post, we cover...

Sometimes the idea of creating a brand new page for your website is just NOT IT. Maybe you need to just change a few words or you want to copy the page design, whatever it is, it’s not always necessary to create a brand new page. This blog post will give you step-by-step instructions on how to duplicate a page in WordPress with Elementor because it’s so easy you’ll have done it in under a minute and you can be on your way to more important tasks for your website!

Before we get started, if you’ve found yourself here without being 100% sure of the tools we’re using, let’s cover off a few basics…

What is WordPress?

WordPress is the most popular website platform on the web right now and it has been for years. It has the most advanced SEO tools of all other website platforms and the most capabilities when it comes to custom website design.

You can have a completely custom-coded website built on WordPress, use free or premium themes or find a happy medium with a page builder such as Divi or Elementor. At Webhive Digital, we’re huge fans of Elementor. So much so that we’ve built an entire DIY WordPress & Elementor course around how to use both tools to build your own custom website.

What is Elementor?

Elementor is a page builder plugin for the WordPress platform. There is a free and a pro version however to duplicate pages you only need the free version.

One of the things I love the most about using WordPress & Elementor to build a website is the flexibility you have over your website design with Elementor, whilst still getting all the benefits of the WordPress platform. And that includes how to duplicate a page in WordPress with Elementor but really that’s the tip of the iceberg in terms of what you can do! If you’re interested in learning more about all the capabilities of Elementor to build your own custom website, check out The WordPress Hive.

Ok, now let’s get to the good stuff!

How to Duplicate A Page in WordPress with Elementor

How to Duplicate A Page in Wordpress with Elementor

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to duplicate a page in WordPress using the Elementor page builder plugin.

Estimated time: 6 minutes

Step 1: Locate the page you want to duplicate

How to Duplicate A Page in Wordpress with Elementor

The easiest way to do this is to navigate to Pages > All Pages on your WordPress dashboard and then find the page you want to duplicate. Once you’ve located the page, rather than clicking “Edit” you’ll click “Edit with Elementor”.

Note: This method will only work if your page hasn’t been built from Elementor’s Theme Builder which allows you to create page templates. If you have used this method then instead locate your template in Theme Builder and click Edit to access the next step.

Step 2: Open up your page in the Elementor page editor

How to Duplicate A Page in Wordpress with Elementor

Next, you should see your page opened up inside the Elementor editor screen. It’s important you are here rather than on the WordPress dashboard for this step because this is the page you want to duplicate.

Step 3: Locate “Save as Template”

How to Duplicate A Page in Wordpress with Elementor

On the left-hand side of your screen, you’ll see the majority of options available to you in the Elementor editor. From here, look for the “Update” button down the bottom. If you’ve made changes to your page, this will be green however if you haven’t changed your page design since you last saved it, it will be grey.

Once you’ve located the Update button, click on the arrow to the right-hand side and a menu will pop out. You will need to select “Save as Template” here.

Step 4: Save the Elementor page to your Elementor library

How to Duplicate A Page in Wordpress with Elementor

This box should pop up as soon as you click “Save as Template”. Make sure you name your page template with a unique and memorable name as you’ll need to locate it in a few steps! Once you’re happy with the name you’ve chosen, click the green “Save” button and return to the WordPress dashboard.

Step 5: Create a new page

How to Duplicate A Page in Wordpress with Elementor

After you have returned to the main WordPress dashboard, navigate to Pages on the left-hand menu. From here you need to click “Add New Page” to create a new page to apply the Elementor page template.

Step 6: Name and publish your new page

How to Duplicate A Page in Wordpress with Elementor

Before you click “Edit with Elementor” you will first need to name your new page and click Publish. This allows the page to then be updated in the Elementor editor. Once you’ve done this you can click on the large “Edit with Elementor” button underneath your page permalink.

Step 7: Locate your page templates

How to Duplicate A Page in Wordpress with Elementor

Once you’re in the Elementor editor screen on your new page, click on the grey folder icon to open up all your available page templates.

Step 8: Select your previously saved page template

How to Duplicate A Page in Wordpress with Elementor

Depending on how much you’ve used this feature before you may need to scroll through a few templates to locate the one you’ve just saved! Once you have located it, hover over the template in the list and a green “Insert” button will pop up which you’ll need to click to insert the page design to your new WordPress page.

Step 9: Save your new page design

How to Duplicate A Page in Wordpress with Elementor

After you’ve clicked apply you should have an exact duplicate of your previous Elementor page and you can amend it to suit your needs.

And there you have it, your step-by-step guide on how to duplicate a page in WordPress with Elementor! This is a stupidly simple method that you can apply to any sections, or widgets on your Elementor page, or you can copy the entire page as we’ve just done depending on your needs.

If you’re looking for more guidance on how to design your WordPress website with Elementor, I recommend checking out The WordPress Hive!

Picture of Kate Smoothy
Kate Smoothy
Kate Smoothy is an SEO specialist and web designer based in Essex, England. As well as being the director of Webhive Digital, Kate shares SEO tips and guides on TikTok, Instagram and LinkedIn.
Picture of Kate Smoothy
Kate Smoothy
Kate Smoothy is an SEO specialist and web designer based in Essex, England. As well as being the director of Webhive Digital, Kate shares SEO tips and guides on TikTok, Instagram and LinkedIn.

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